Thursday, November 4, 2010

Veteran's Day Appreciation

Freedom isn’t free.  It costs blood and treasure.  That’s true for freedom of the heart (hence, why we are planting a new church, because Jesus is Alive), and freedom in America (oh yeah, greatest nation on earth, our freedom secured by the courage and strength of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines!).

We're giving away laundry service the week of Veteran's Day to show our appreciation to Veterans!

Why?  Because because there are people here who love Jesus.

BackStory: The owner of Laundry World, Paul Pettefer, is also the Pastor of a new church, theCityChurch. 

A couple of years ago, Paul was hosting friends at his home on Memorial Day, and got a call from Ted Harless, one of the leaders of the Avenue of Flags.  The Avenue of Flags puts on an unbelievable display of over 800 casket flags of Veterans each Memorial Day and Veteran’s day, at Orange Grove Graceland Cemetery, 1951 Broad St, in Lake Charles.  On this Memorial Day, it rained, and they needed a place to gently dry 800 very large flags.  So, of course, Paul and his staff dropped everything and helped the volunteers, including a bunch of wonderful Boy Scouts and leaders, dry the flags at our three stores.  That spurred Paul on to volunteer to help with the Avenue of Flags, and to think about using the laundries to thank Veteran’s in a tangible way for their service. 

That leads us to today, with theCityChurch sponsoring this tangible expression of gratitude to our Veterans, with the Free Laundry to Veterans offer.  Veterans are willing to stand in harm’s way for liberty’s stake, and WE APPRECIATE YOU!  So, if this little service would bless you, come by any of the 3 Laundry World locations and let us serve you.  (4319 Common St., 2712 Lake St., 2501 Hwy 14)

To celebrate and value the service of our Veterans, theCityChurch ( and Laundry World ( are giving away free laundry services to Veterans the week of Veteran’s Day (details below).  The Specifics of the Veteran’s Day Outreach details (what documentation to bring) are at

No Strings, No Catch…Just Love.

Specifics: From Thursday, November 11 until Wednesday, November 16:

Þ    FREE Coin-Wash to all Veteran’s (up to 5 loads).  Please bring documentation of veteran status to show us.  (Examples include military service ID, DD214, award letter.)

Þ    FREE Drop-Off Laundry to the spouses of Deployed Veteran’s or the surviving spouse of veterans killed in action (30 pound limit).  (If we are overrun with response, we’ll give out vouchers for you to come back another week so we can properly serve them without delay.) 
Spouses, please bring a copy of your husband’s deployment orders to show us. 

Goal.  Show our appreciation and express Jesus’ love to veterans and spouses. 
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'”  Jesus, quoted in Matthew 25:40

Why laundry?  We are responsible for what we have, not for what we don’t have.  Well, we have these three laundries, spread throughout our city.  So, we’re going to use them! 

Veteran’s Day Proper & Weekend
Þ    On Thursday, Avenue of Flags on Broad St – help put up flags. 
Þ    Lemonade Stand to raise money for Haiti at Common St. location on Saturday.
Þ    Anytime that week, Each veteran will be given a thank you card and prayer card from theCityChurch.  We would love to pray for you and be a blessing to you and your family!

We’re doing this because we believe that because there are people here who love Jesus!